B2B marketplaces continue to proliferate, but the name of the game is “get big”

B2B marketplaces were once just a relatively minor sales channel, and that time was not that long ago. 

Having been around since the late 1990s and early 2000s, marketplaces in industries such as automotive parts, health care, and aerospace parts have yet to meet with success. Only a few achieved significant industry penetration, such as Boeing Global Services, which now works with 6,000 global suppliers and generates $2 billion in ecommerce sales. 

But times change — and so has the B2B marketplace market. Five years ago, Digital Commerce 360 counted just 75 marketplaces. Now that number is as high as 500 and growing. In 2023, B2B marketplaces are also the fastest-growing digital sales channel, with combined sales that will reach $112 billion in 2023, up 100% from sales of $56 billion in 2022, based on a projection from Digital Commerce 360. 

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